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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Packing Up Christmas 2012...

Today was "Packing Up Christmas 2012" at our home.  Some of you know just how much I like to decorate and enjoy the season, so you might say that this is a little early.  I am excited to move into the New Year with a bright outlook and fresh perspective on what God has planned for 2013, so "Good-Bye Christmas 2012!"

My Aunt Mary started a tradition the year I was born by purchasing a Hallmark Ornament for me each Christmas.  When she passed, my mom and Steve have taken over her roll.  Our big tree upstairs is dedicated exclusively to all of those ornaments and what a joy it is to ponder the memories behind each one.

As I humbly packed each ornament back into their respective boxes, I remember what a blessing it is to have a home and a family to enjoy the Holiday Season with.  We had one of the best Christmas celebrations this year and I thank God for His great mercy forgiveness and love!
Miss Daisy was my supervisor for the day....it's a tough job, but she was happy to play her part....
Remember the "True Gifts of Christmas" as you move forward into 2013....
...and cherish "those gifts" with all of your heart! 

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