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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy 75th Birthday Dad...

Dad's 75th Birthday is tomorrow...January 21st!
The preparation for his birthday celebration started Friday evening as Steve and I assembled two different lasagna recipes...Traditional and Chicken Alfredo Lasagna...
...and Miss Daisy supervised!
Saturday morning arrived and I was off to The Kava House is Swisher (my 2nd job that I LOVE by the way!)  I came in at 8am for my shift to find my friend, Karen, in the kitchen with cookbook in hand...and no Jessie (the baker) to be found....I learned that Jessie was home sick, so Karen was preparing the German Chocolate Cupcakes that I had planned to have for Dad's birthday...
It is such a blessing to be working at Kava House and with Karen...and Jessie, I pray that you are feeling better!  After work at Kava, we were off with cupcakes in hand to Mom and Dad's home for the party...
After we arrived at Mom and Dad's, I had some time to snap a few photos of Karen's wonderful creations....
My two brothers and their wives were with us to join the party...
...Tom and Gail on the left and Jeff and Rashelle on the right.
We sang "Happy Birthday" to Dad after dinner....
...and then it was time to ENJOY Dad's birthday cupcakes!!
In all of the "preparation" of Dad's birthday, I forgot to bring his card to the party.
A blessing however,  because I was able to snap a few photos before sending it in the mail...
I am SO thankful for the father that God has chosen for me and my brothers.
Dad is beautiful example of God's LOVE...he has always been a hard worker and did whatever it took to provide for our family.
And I am also thankful for the bride that Dad was lead too...our dear MOM and the house we grew up living in.  We didn't have much but there was a lot of LOVE and that's all we needed...
Happy 75th Birthday Dad!  We love you and Mom SO much.  Thank you for giving unselfishly....for being there...for showing LOVE in the special way that only a father and a mother can.  God bless you BOTH!
"Those who know Your name will trust in You, for you Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

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