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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Intentional Love 2013...

After choosing my word "Love" to reflect on and pray about for the year,
I asked Steve to share with me a word that I can be praying for him.

"Intentional" is Steve's word for 2013 and is defined as
being done with intention or purpose. 

I love Steve's word for this year....

...I also love this photo of Steve
from September 2011 on our trip to Florida.

Why do I love this photo?

Steve always takes the time to patiently "process" the task at hand
and that's what I am reminded of when I look at this photo.

The word "intentional" is a perfect fit for the dreams and goals that 
Steve is working on "processing" for the upcoming year. 

And together our words form something that is really beautiful...
"Intentional Love!" 

Some of you may have heard of the song by Blake Shelton,
"God Gave Me You" 
(click on the "play" button to see Blake's video below)

My prayer is that you take time to reflect on our words
"Intentional Love"...

...and know that "God Gave You" the people in your life for a reason.

There will be ups and downs, but stay strong and step forward in your faith.

"I Can do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy 75th Birthday Dad...

Dad's 75th Birthday is tomorrow...January 21st!
The preparation for his birthday celebration started Friday evening as Steve and I assembled two different lasagna recipes...Traditional and Chicken Alfredo Lasagna...
...and Miss Daisy supervised!
Saturday morning arrived and I was off to The Kava House is Swisher (my 2nd job that I LOVE by the way!)  I came in at 8am for my shift to find my friend, Karen, in the kitchen with cookbook in hand...and no Jessie (the baker) to be found....I learned that Jessie was home sick, so Karen was preparing the German Chocolate Cupcakes that I had planned to have for Dad's birthday...
It is such a blessing to be working at Kava House and with Karen...and Jessie, I pray that you are feeling better!  After work at Kava, we were off with cupcakes in hand to Mom and Dad's home for the party...
After we arrived at Mom and Dad's, I had some time to snap a few photos of Karen's wonderful creations....
My two brothers and their wives were with us to join the party...
...Tom and Gail on the left and Jeff and Rashelle on the right.
We sang "Happy Birthday" to Dad after dinner....
...and then it was time to ENJOY Dad's birthday cupcakes!!
In all of the "preparation" of Dad's birthday, I forgot to bring his card to the party.
A blessing however,  because I was able to snap a few photos before sending it in the mail...
I am SO thankful for the father that God has chosen for me and my brothers.
Dad is beautiful example of God's LOVE...he has always been a hard worker and did whatever it took to provide for our family.
And I am also thankful for the bride that Dad was lead too...our dear MOM and the house we grew up living in.  We didn't have much but there was a lot of LOVE and that's all we needed...
Happy 75th Birthday Dad!  We love you and Mom SO much.  Thank you for giving unselfishly....for being there...for showing LOVE in the special way that only a father and a mother can.  God bless you BOTH!
"Those who know Your name will trust in You, for you Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Team Work....

Team Work...what does that mean to you? 
I looked up the definition online and here's what I found...


"The combined action of a group of people, esp. when effective and efficient."


 Effective and efficient....well I know where to find that...

...Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm at Iowa Realty!
It all started with Lori..in 1995 she interviewed me and I was offered the receptionist position at Iowa Realty.  Lori is a beautiful example of a patient and loving co-worker and friend. 
She is always upbeat and understanding...a true JOY!
Along came Robin...she is one of my dearest friends and I am SO thankful to be working with her...and talk about a team player...she ROCKS!
And what a blessing to have Tiffany on our team...she's a delightful young women that is ALWAYS so pleasant and I truly appreciate working with her.


And there is one more very special person standing next to me...Babs!  She is our "office mom" and we are SO thankful for her steadfast love and encouragement.

My prayer is that you LOVE what you DO...I am very blessed to have the position that I have at Iowa Realty and my hope is that you also find a "team" that you ENJOY....where you can not only "work" effectively and efficiently...but with friends that you LOVE!
Friendship is a blessing and Teamwork is TOO!
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17





Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Between The Covers....

"Between The Covers" is the name of our book club that my dear friend, Susan, and I started at Iowa Realty a few years back....
...with my book tucked safely in my basket, I left the office tonight to head to Sally's for our meeting...

Our book for this evening was "Funny in Farsi" by Firoozeh Dumas.

It's about the author and her family moving from Iran to America and the memories that were created along their journey.

Sally's adorable dog "Tessie" was enjoying being part of our discussion.

And since Susan has moved to Beaufort, South Carolina, we try to "Skype" her into our meetings as much as we can (this explains Sally's laptop on the table.)

I am so very blessed to have all of these women in my life.  Even though I don't always get the books read, it's a joy to gather and be an encouragement to each other....sharing laughter and love is a wonderful gift.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Love 2013...The Year Ahead...

Unravelling the year ahead can be exciting for some and challenging for others. Looking back on 2012, I am thankful for God's mercy, grace and unconditional LOVE... 

...my friend, Kathryn, inspired me to choose a "word" to spend time reflecting on in 2013 and the word that I have chosen is "Love"

She also shared this resource below that helps you reflect on the year behind and anticipate the year ahead...all with your "word" in mind.
It's a blessing to have friends like Kathryn.  She's a beautiful example of what God desires for all of us and I am thankful for the way she encourages others.
My prayer is whatever you are "carrying in your basket" from last year...good or not so good...is that you can move forward into 2013 knowing that God loves you SO much and trust that blessings will come your way.
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year....New Calendars!

Nine days into 2013 and what type of calendar are you using for the new year?

It can be a little overwhelming...
Some find cell phones and computers to be their #1 source.

I prefer to use the old fashion "paper and pencil" kind! 
Now you are probably wondering why I am standing on my calendar...well I think it shows a good point that "we are always running"...
...always busy filling our calendars with activities, church meetings and social events. 
Everyday life can add a lot of "ink to your calendar" and a lot of "pressure to your life."
One of my favorite gifts for the year is this daily inspirational calendar
written by the writers of www.incourage.me  
Today's page lead me to stop and think about just how much "ink" is on my calendar and just how "busy" life can get.  Am I allowing myself to be conformed to the pressures and demands that come my way? 

Or am I being more conviction-driven? 
Am I doing what's right and following what I believe is true in my heart?
Conformity and conviction are powerful forces. What about you? Do you feel that sometimes your behavior is influenced by a desire to conform to the expectations of others rather than by inner conviction?
We all have choices when it comes to the "activities" on our calendar.  When you feel like "you are running" STOP...take time to Trust God and know that He has a good plan for your life. STOP and remember what is truly important....Faith, Family and Friends!  
Do not be conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. ~Romans 12:2

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Packing Up Christmas 2012...

Today was "Packing Up Christmas 2012" at our home.  Some of you know just how much I like to decorate and enjoy the season, so you might say that this is a little early.  I am excited to move into the New Year with a bright outlook and fresh perspective on what God has planned for 2013, so "Good-Bye Christmas 2012!"

My Aunt Mary started a tradition the year I was born by purchasing a Hallmark Ornament for me each Christmas.  When she passed, my mom and Steve have taken over her roll.  Our big tree upstairs is dedicated exclusively to all of those ornaments and what a joy it is to ponder the memories behind each one.

As I humbly packed each ornament back into their respective boxes, I remember what a blessing it is to have a home and a family to enjoy the Holiday Season with.  We had one of the best Christmas celebrations this year and I thank God for His great mercy forgiveness and love!
Miss Daisy was my supervisor for the day....it's a tough job, but she was happy to play her part....
Remember the "True Gifts of Christmas" as you move forward into 2013....
...and cherish "those gifts" with all of your heart!