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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dinner with "Erin" and Family...

I am blessed to have these two beautiful ladies in our family...
...my niece, Erin (left) and step-daughter, Erin (right)
My niece, Erin, allowed me to be an Aunt in the 2nd grade back in 1982.
Along came my step-daughter, Erin, when she decided
it was time to meet her dad back in 2001.
Tonight we shared a meal and with both
of these ladies and their families.
It is truly a JOY to see what wonderful wives
and mothers both have become!
My great-niece, Lucy, getting ready to dive into her hot dog!
Miss Molly...my other great-niece digging into brownie for dessert!
And my step-granddaughter, (yes, I am a grandma!) Gracie,
stylin' with her pink fork filled with dinner!
What a beautiful reminder of how important family is in our lives!
I looked up the meaning of the name "Erin" and this
is one description I found...
"People with the name "Erin" tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and  creative individuals.
Both of these women have a lot of the characteristics
of their name as mentioned above and I am truly thankful
for their steadfast love and boldness.
Thanks for a really fun night filled with food, family and fun.
Love you both very much!
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
Proverbs 31:28-29


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