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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Time for Love...

Last Thursday evening we celebrated our friends upcoming wedding.

Lori and Rob have been together for quite a few years
and now the are "making it official" by
planning to get married this September.
Lori is one of the biggest "reasons" why I am part of the Iowa Realty Family,
along with all of these other beautiful ladies!
Our "Office Mom" Miss Babs was so gracious to open
her beautiful home to host this event and she did a
fabulous job with making us feel right at home!
Babs is famous for decorating her table for dinner parties
with a specific theme or word in mind and the "words"
for this celebration were "time & love!"
The table was filled with quotes to remind us of the
importance of time and love....
...and it was also filled with lots of yummy appetizers too!
Time and Love....two very important "ingredients" for a beautiful marriage!
Babs also asked each guest to prepare a "written word of advice"
to share with the happy couple.
Since my word for the year is "Love" I felt it most
appropriate to share this bible verse with them...
...and Steve had his "funny version" of the meaning of
each word to share with them as well!
It was a wonderful evening filled with laughter, fellowship and fun!
What great reminders that "love is an action"
and that it is really worth the time!
When the vows are read and the rings are exchanged,
my hope is that God will help lead Lori and Rob to
the oneness He desires for their marriage.
Let the colors of "life" be a celebration in your hearts...
...and may time and love be a blessing in your lives!
Congratulations and God Bless you both...love and prayers...Sue

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