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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Blessings....

I am a little late with my Easter post, but I still want
to share with others just what a fun time we had with family.

The Sunday before our celebration, Mom and I did some shopping
for the little ones and Dad even helped with the Easter Egg Hunt preperation!

Look at all of those EGGS....how FUN!

Speaking of EGGS....
...Steve did a fabulous job preparing the deviled eggs for Easter Dinner.

On to the potato casseroles....
...Steve and I really have fun preparing meals together.
Such a blessing!

Now it's time to decorate.  First things first....the kids table!

Dinners together family and friends are special.
I have learned from my dear friend, Babs, just how much
fun in can be to decorate for your guests to make them feel welcome.

Next up...a special table just for the ladies!

It's fun to "mix things up" by using place settings. 

And finally....the men's table!

The food and tables are ready...the EGGS are hidden...
...now bring on the FAMILY!

The kids had a lot of fun finding all of those Easter EGGS!

Lucy is counting to make sure she found all of her EGGS!

Way to go Parker...you found all of yours!

Molly and I got a chance to catch up from our last visit...such a sweetheart!

An egg hunt...a home full of family to share a meal....
...such a blessing and so much FUN!

Lucy was FOR SURE having a lot of FUN playing "1-2-3 LOOK"
as she spun around for the camera!

Soon it was time for everyone to head home....onto clean up!

The dishes are put away....house is quiet...family is gone...

What's left? The light of candles on an empty table....

...a VERY tired Miss Daisy...

...and The Story of Easter.

What does Easter mean to you?

As a child, I remember it being all about egg hunts, candy and
sharing a meal with family just like we did this year.

Over the years, I have learned it's about so much more than that.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

I love the way my friend, Kathryn, explained it on her blog...

"Easter is what Christians base their faith on, the fact that Jesus did die on the cross. His death allows people like me, (who have issues to work on, people to forgive, addictions to conquer...) to have hope."

What a Blessing is it to have Hope in Jesus!

One of my favorite songs is "Blessings" by Laura Story

(click play button below to listen)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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