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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Girls Night...

Tonight I had the pleasure of going to Kava House in Swisher
for dinner with my niece, Erin and her two little girls....Lucy and Molly!

After eating their dinner, the girls both got some ice cream for dessert...YUM!

It's such a JOY to have these two little girls in my life!

To live with the "wonder of a child" is something to treasure.

A huge thanks to Erin, Lucy and Molly for joining me for dinner tonight.
I am truly blessed to have you girls in my life!

Tonight has lead me to one of my favorite Mark Schultz songs...
"Until I See You Again"

(click play below to listen)

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children
Ephesians 5:1

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Steve...

Birthdays are a time to celebrate the gift of life
and a time to share God's LOVE with family and friends!
We laugh...we grow up...we fall in love!
We get married and "create memories" on the walls of our home...

As we celebrate your birthday, Steve, please know just how thankful
I am for your love and patience...and for all of the memories we have together!
We have been on so many fun adventures and I am blessed to be your wife!
Let's celebrate the good times we have shared
and look forward to many birthdays ahead...
A time to celebrate and a time to LOVE YOU ALWAYS!
Life is GOOD because of YOU...
Happy Birthday Steve!
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thankful for Family...

Saturday afternoon, we traveled to West Burlington for our great-nephew's
1st Birthday Party...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKETT!!

Beckett REALLY enjoyed his BIRTHDAY CAKE...YUM!

And our great-niece, Lucy, enjoyed licking
the frosting off the cake-topper TOO!

You could say it was a "green frosting" BIRTHDAY kind of DAY!

I had the pleasure of spending most of my time 
at the party with another one of our great-nieces...Miss Molly!

Molly has become my new BFF at our latest family gatherings.
As with all of these little ones, she is such a JOY!

Steve and Molly had a little "bubble action"
while Beckett was opening his gifts!

Our nephew and his wife, Tim and Meredith (Beckett's mommy & daddy)
live in West Burlington and Tim is the Pastor of
The West Burlington United Methodist Church.

Tim took us on the "grand tour" of the church...it's beautiful!

Our great-nephew, Parker (Tim and Meredith's other son)
also took the liberty to show us around...such a cutie!

God has lead Tim and his family to this church for a reason...
Tim is such a blessing to our family and we are very proud
of the husband, father and Pastor that he has become!

Spending time with family is so important.
Steve and I continue to learn this more and more
as the years go by...

God is GOOD and life is good when you take the time
to realize just how blessed you are for what you have.

A Psalm for giving thanks...
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
     Serve the Lord with gladness!
     Come into his presence with singing!
  Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:1-5

Growing Together...

My daily devotional from Friday....
"Press on sisters.  Keep the faith."
"Yes, you really are making a difference."
Beautiful encouragement as I planned to meet
with Women's Ministry Team from my church that evening
to pray and coordinate our "Steel Magnolia" Groups.
What is "Steel Magnolias" you might ask?
Reflecting "The Essence of True Womanhood"...
Melding "Beauty with Perseverance,
Softness with Backbone,
Delicacy with Durability,
Sweetness with Stamina, and
Gentleness with Gumption."
(True Woman 101, by Mary Kassian & Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
Steel Magnolia groups are small groups of women
who desire to grow together in the area of Biblical Womanhood
in a setting of accountability and encouragement.
Growing Together...
God created women for a unique and gender-specific purpose. 
The problem is, the cultural ideals for women are often misguided
and much different than God's plan. 
Our Steel Magnolia Groups are forming to teach God's design
for women through a series of Biblical Study Curriculum.
Our prayer is that these studies challenge us to diligently apply
the truth of God's word to our everyday lives. 
Picture yourself standing arm-in-arm with another woman.
Sometimes she's a woman you are learning from.
Sometimes she's a woman you are passing things on to.
As much as we can, we should be standing arm-in arm.

Our groups are beginning to form....
...I am praying that lives will be transformed for God's Glory
through the journey that lies ahead for all of these women.
Beautiful Blossoms...All for His Glory. 
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth
so that you have sincere love for each other,
love one another deeply from the heart.
1 Peter 1:22


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love is Kind....Valentine's Weekend 2013

Steve and I just got home from our "Valentine's Weekend Away" and
I am SO thankful for such a loving and KIND husband! 
The word "Kind" is the next word for me to pray and ponder from our wedding verse,
1 Corinthians 13:4-8. 
The definition of Kind...Having or showing a friendly generous and considerate nature. 
Steve is such a good example of this, especially when we travel! 
We left our home Friday and our first stop was
in Cascade at "Chuck & Edna's Maid-Rite Diner for lunch!
After lunch we headed to one of my favorite Antique stores in Cascade...
Steve is ALWAYS so kind and patient when it comes to me wanting to "stop along the way" when we are traveling...it may take us twice as long to get somewhere,
but it's ok with him....what a blessing!
I just LOVE browsing through places like this
and I am thankful that Steve doesn't mind it either...
Before arriving in Dubuque, we stopped at the mall to do a little "clothes shopping" for our weekend....laughing about some of the "items" we tried on!
We arrived at our "home away from home" The Hancock House Bed & Breakfast in Dubuque...and were greeted by one of the kindest couples we know...
...the owners and inn-keepers, Chuck and Susan!
We have been staying at The Hancock House for special occasions since 1996 and this time we stayed in "The Dollroom' which has a fabulous
whirlpool that overlooks Downtown Dubuque....what a wonderful view!
Each room has a journal and while getting ready for our "Friday Night Out"
to the Diamond Jo Casino and Woodfire Grill for dinner,
I found our journal entry from our stay in the same room in 2011....
...such a blessing to create these beautiful memories with Steve!
It was an early night as we were both getting over being sick from last week, but we gambled just a little and had a nice dinner...
...then tucked ourselves into bed in preparation for our "Saturday trip to Galena!"
After a wonderful Saturday morning breakfast at The Hancock House
we headed to Galena for some "fun shopping!"
I am truly blessed for Steve's patience and kindness when it comes to shopping.  I am not a big spender, but it's such a joy that we can relax and take our time "browsing together!"
Downtown Galena is "a ton of FUN" with all of the shops and restaurants...
...I recommend it to anyone wanting a place to "escape"
to do some shopping and to relax and ENJOY time with the ones you LOVE!
We decided to stay in Saturday night and enjoy the beauty of The Hancock House and our room...got up Sunday morning and I wrote a new journal entry that will be waiting for us to read on our next adventure to Dubuque...
We got home this afternoon back to "Miss Daisy" who had been spoiled and taken care of by our dear neighbor-friends, Chris and London while we were away! 
A BIG THANK YOU for taking care of our baby girl!

Daisy was excited to get a "new toy" that we picked up for her
and is very happy that Mommy & Daddy are HOME!
Love is KIND....like a candle to make a house a HOME...
...like a marriage that God leads to the oneness He desires.....Love is KIND!
Thank you, Steve, for such a beautiful "Valentine's Weekend AWAY!" 
I am so blessed and thankful to have your friendship, KINDNESS and LOVE!

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32