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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Comfort and Joy" of Christmas with Family....and new socks!

This year God put it in my heart to get everyone
in our family a new pair of socks.

This has been something on my mind for awhile....
You may ask, "Why the socks, Sue?"
 There are a few reasons why I was lead to do this.
Like anything new, the socks make me think of
a new beginning or journey...a new year!
Each pair is different...
...just like each one of us!
They bring warmth and protection to our toes...
...a sense of comfort!
 You can find humor...
 ...laughter and joy....
...in each of the different designs!
They draw us closer together....
...as a family...
...but give us each a "sense of style!"
My prayer is that you find the simple
"Comfort and Joy" of Christmas...
...through this story about new socks!

Let it be a reminder...
...of the importance...
...of spending time with family...
...and enjoying this time of year!
Merry Christmas...
...and Happy New Year!
Comfort and Joy of Christmas...and new socks!
love and prayers...
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,
who loved us through grace, gave us eternal
comfort and good hope, comfort for your hearts
and strengthen them in every good work and word.
(2 Thess. 2:16-16)