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Primitive Blessings is a way to share with others moments of love and encouragment. I want to enjoy my life in its precious stage and make the most of the time God gives me by preserving the memories that are created on my journey.

Friday, September 13, 2013

On This Day I Will Marry My Best Friend...

September 14, 1996...our wedding day!
"One This Day I Married My Best Friend"
Such a big decision...and a union to become one.

So how do you know when you found "the one?"

It's all about "LOVE!"
God is LOVE...and He has been with Steve and I every step of the way.
I remember being in Steve's apartment right after we met
writing my "new name" Sue Kearney.
Do we have the perfect marriage...no, but it's ok because
we believe that God is working in our lives and
as long as we keep Him first everything will be ok.
I thank God for is unconditional LOVE and thank you
Steve for being my husband and my best friend.
The Love of My Life...and stuck like glue...I love you, Steve!
I am so thankful that "God gave me YOU!"
I am thankful for the Joy that you bring to my life...
...and for the good things that are ahead of us!
It really is all about believing in the "action" of LOVE!
Happy 17th Anniversary, Steve!
I love YOU!